Tara has gardened at Scollops Farm since 2008. It is part of an old dairy farm with associated barns and outbuildings. We have created a converted granary and naturalistic granary garden. A new pool is surrounded by a retaining wall of Kentish ragstone at one end filled with buxus and grasses and a mixed perennial and shrub border at the other. There is also a working vegetable garden or potager which combines flowers and vegetables, beside a small greenhouse.
Tara is always experimenting with new combinations of plants, layering and adding bulbs each spring. Winter is always a big time for making changes in the garden and in the winter of 2018 Tara is redesigned one end of the pool garden, rebuilt the raised vegetable beds and started to create a meadow in the field below the garden as well as experimenting with a designed mix of seed and planted perennials to create a perennial meadow area.

Images © Marianne Majerus Garden Images